Messy Yoga Mom, 02-17-22: "No Snow, Mess Day"

Normally, snow day means a stressed mom and cabin-fevered kids 😂
But, today, I decided to finally tackle the hoard that is the girls’ toys 😳
My mom and I have spent close to three hours sorting and Purging their toys. We still have three totes to go and then we can organize the toys in the cubbies.
Sometimes, mess can be progress, especially if you are neurodivergent.
Phase one of the process is complete! Everything is organized by kind of toy.
I ended up taking out two totes of old toys that they have outgrown and four totes of “trash”.
Tomorrow, my mom and I will sit down with my children and go through the remaining toys to keep or donate.
I am so proud of how much we accomplished today😍 My mom is also neurodivergent, so I am doubly proud of us💜
All of their remaining toys are back in their room, the hallway is once again clear 😂

We ended up getting things organized into totes, which were then stored under their beds.  At the end of March, we were able to move the tots into my yoga office until my husband and I could help the girls organize the toys onto their shelves.  Unfortunately, due to life and grief, the toys remained in the office until the end of April, when I moved them back into their room.  We slowly go through one tote at a time.  Someday, I know it will be finished, but, I also know that the mess will return….That is the nature of life with ADHD families.  That is ok.  It won’t last forever.  Someday, their stuff will go to their own house.  LOL.

Stay messy, friends!